
Hey there, and welcome to this crazy place where I’ll be writing out my thoughts from time to time.

It’s funny because, as a writer, I feel like this first post has to be so amazing. Something so incredibly profound that you’ll be smacking your head and saying, “Wow, I’ve got to read more of Mel’s words!” But the reality is, the only people that will probably be reading this first post are my mom (love ya mom!) and maybe a couple creepy Twitter dudes.

I’m going to start unpacking my thoughts about love, life, and divorce, because that’s where I’m at in life – 13 1/2 years of marriage promptly flushed down the toilet and all – but believe me when I say that this place will not be a breeding ground for sadness, hatred, or any sort of pity party. I believe in possibilities – I believe in the fact that everything happens for a reason – and I firmly believe that there is humor to be found in every facet of life (even those crazy dark times).

If you stick with me, I hope to entertain you, make you laugh, and I’ll try not to make you cry.

As the great theologian Tom Cochrane once said, “Life is a highway…” So, with that, let’s buckle up and see where this road takes us!

Hi, I'm Melie.

If you've landed on one of my posts it's probably because you're either divorced, trying to navigate this new world of dating, grieving, or all of the above. Welcome to the club!

Life hasn't turned out the way I thought it would, that's for sure!

Maybe you feel the same way… 

You thought life was going to be a beautiful fairy tale..but it’s a hot mess express instead. 

Maybe you’re heartbroken, let down, or just have questions (like "What the h-e-double-hockey-sticks happened to my life?!") 

Or maybe you’re so fed up with "surprises" in life that you’ve become numb to the faith that used to inspire you.

If so, you’re in the right place. 

Getting back on the dating market? 

Get my quick start guide on what to expect!

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